Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia
Harnessing student creativity to improve children’s nutrition in Indonesia
KLIKPR was trusted to work on a project for GAIN in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. This covered everything from strategy and tactical plan to PR and digital content creation, social media engagement, video production and roadshow and event execution.
The food decisions that parents make for children are a very important component of their well-being. However, not all Indonesian parents know the right feeding behavior in accordance with the stages of child development nor do they understand the consequences of sub-optimal food decisions.
To help raise awareness on the issue, we delivered a comprehensive campaign designed to challenge nutrients clinics and university students to produce new and interactive modules on good feeding behavior through running a competition pegged as Emo-Demo Challenge.
To provide greater access to the competition, KlikPR developed a microsite as the go-to source for information as well as an online portal for submissions. An interactive 2 minutes video tutorial on how to join the competition was also designed to provide a quick intro and simple guideline.
Not only that, our information campaign included a roadshow in 15 universities across 8 cities: Jakarta, Bali, Makassar, Malang, Surabaya, Jember, Kediri, and Padang. For each of the universities, we held a workshop and set up a pop-up booth for walk-in registrants. Through a WhatsApp group, we built a community of interested applicants and provided constant updates on the competition.
Through this comprehensive campaign, we drove hundreds of people to the campaign microsite and, more importantly, GAIN received an overwhelming response that led to 290 module submissions. The grand finals of the Emo-Demo Challenge, held in Jakarta, awarded 12 out of 24 shortlisted modules selected by distinguished judges.